Bishop Brian launches LTW2023+

On a night of Eucharistic celebration, the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong (CEDoW) community gathered for our annual Education Mass and the launch of Lighting The Way 2023+.

In his uplifting homily, Bishop Brian Mascord DD encouraged teachers, school leaders and Catholic Education Office staff to be invitational in all they do: "We are called to invite people into our schools so that they can experience and share faith with us, not experience a sense of rejection because they do not fit into a box."

Our Director of Schools, Peter Hill, presented our new strategic plan to Bishop Brian, saying that "in its five focus areas, LTW2023+ names the priorities we see when we examine the contemporary challenges and opportunities before us. Through its outcomes, guiding direction and improvement indicators, it describes what we want to achieve, how we will build on our strengths and past progress to achieve it, and—importantly—how we’ll know we’re making a positive impact.

"The future remains uncertain—it always will. But as a community of Catholic schools, we have a unique ability and responsibility to look squarely at the realities and challenges of our times and boldly proclaim an alternative that is grounded in the wisdom of the Church and that continues to offer hope, life and freedom to all who embrace it.

"I am confident that guided by this plan we will continue to realise our mission, ensuring every student has the opportunity to encounter Jesus, to grow in their faith and learning, and to flourish in a safe environment where they are known, valued and loved as person and learner."

Explore LTW2023+