Saving time for schools and parents with digital forms

During the 2022/23 summer vacation period, Catholic schools across the diocese transitioned from paper-based image consent forms to a digital solution built within the Compass student information system.

This meant moving from the former process (printing forms; distributing them to students; teachers and support staff individually following up students who haven’t returned a form; manually scanning and attaching completed forms to student profiles) to an automated alert sent to all parents before the new school year, with a simple one-click response to provide (or not provide) image consent for their children.

"Formerly, this task was very labour intensive and required multiple paper copies to go out to many families who understandably often misplaced or forgot to hand this form back. It was not uncommon for our school to be chasing up image consent forms several months into the school year. With the change to this procedure, out of 590 students, our school only has 20 students (3%) whose consent is still pending. This is a remarkable outcome, considering students do not return back to school until tomorrow." - Senior School Support Officer

This activity contributes to the strategic focus area System support for the core work of teaching by freeing up more capacity for teachers and support staff to focus on the core work of learning, teaching and the holistic formation of students.