| August 26, 2024

Progress Report (August 2024)

As we approach the 18-month mark since the launch of Lighting The Way, we’ve taken the opportunity to reflect on and evaluate our progress so far.

| March 10, 2024

Prioritising the core work of teaching

In Lighting The Way we have taken the strategic position that improvement in student faith, learning and wellbeing is found in, and driven by, the school. We have introduced new processes, new structures, and new technologies to support this position. But it will ultimately come to nothing if it doesn’t have an impact through the classroom door, into the hearts, minds and souls of the 20,000 young people we serve each year.

| December 8, 2023

State of the Strategy 2023

There is a prayer often said to reflect the ministry of Saint Oscar Romero and the deep commitment he had to Christ and the people he was called to serve. It is titled Prophets of a Future Not Our Own, and it opens with the line: “It helps, now and then, to step back and take a long view.”

| November 17, 2023

Stronger ties with Notre Dame Australia

We were thrilled to join the University of Notre Dame Australia for the blessing and opening of the university’s new study centre in the heart of Oran Park this week.

| September 12, 2023

Transforming the enrolment experience

For the last few years, we have been eagerly awaiting an online enrolment solution to replace our paper-based enrolment application forms and processes.

| August 2, 2023

Continuing our improvement journey

Today, principals and school leaders from our 38 Catholic schools joined with Professor Emeritus Helen Timperely and support staff from the Catholic Education Office to learn more about how to keep school improvement simple, practical and focused on the main thing. This gathering—the fifth in our 2023 Continuous Catholic School Improvement Colloquium series—was held at The Pavilion Kiama, just a few hundred metres from the

| July 26, 2023

Embracing faith and community: Year 6 Masses unite students

In a series of reflective and uplifting celebrations, over 1,600 students from Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong came together for one of the highlights of the year: our annual Year 6 Masses with Bishop Brian Mascord. These meaningful gatherings featured inspiring homilies by Bishop Mascord, aimed at connecting students to their faith and to one another.

| April 24, 2023

Unpacking Faith Foundations

Having passionate, confident and well-informed staff is essential to fulfilling the mission of our Catholic schools. To achieve this, teachers must be deeply committed to the school's values and beliefs and possess a thorough understanding of Catholic teachings and traditions. Engaging teachers in effective formation methods that highlight the beauty and depth of the Catholic faith is crucial to providing an exceptional education that prepares students to make a positive impact in the world.

| March 29, 2023

Never too small to make a difference

Primary students from various schools in the diocese gathered at Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Parish Primary School, Rosemeadow to explore ecological issues, share ideas for environmental action, and be commissioned as Eco Ambassadors for their schools.

| March 9, 2023

Closing the Gap through pride and pathways

More than 120 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander secondary students from across our community of Catholic schools have joined with Elders and Community leaders for the launch of our inaugural Bangawarra Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Secondary Students Engagement and Pathways Program in Kiama.

| March 2, 2023

Bishop Brian launches LTW2023+

On a night of Eucharistic celebration, the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong (CEDoW) community gathered for our annual Education Mass and the launch of Lighting The Way 2023+.

| February 23, 2023

Welcoming 120 new members of the CEDoW family

On Thursday 23 February 2023, we welcomed 120 new teachers and support staff into the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong community. Each year, newly appointed staff attend our Welcome Dinner with their principals, including leadership team members, early career and experienced teachers, support staff and CEO officers.

| February 21, 2023

Faith in action: 2023 Project Compassion launch

On Shrove Tuesday, representatives from schools across the Wollongong diocese gathered at St Columbkille's Catholic Primary School, Corrimal, for the launch of the 2023 Project Compassion appeal.

| February 8, 2023

Enhancing system learning and school collaboration

Our mission rises or falls in the day-to-day interactions and activities within schools. That’s why empowering school leaders by creating the conditions for high quality, school-driven improvement is the foundation of Lighting The Way 2023+.

| February 3, 2023

Saving time for schools and parents with digital forms

During the 2022/23 summer vacation period, Catholic schools across the diocese transitioned from paper-based image consent forms to a digital solution built within the Compass student information system.